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“What matters most to be is that my family has a legacy that they can now build on.”

Lace Simmons, a dedicated single mother of two talented daughters, Liana and Kalynn, is on her homeownership journey with Habitat for Humanity. Currently working as a Product Specialist at Crown Kia, Lace has always strived to provide a nurturing environment for her daughters, who share her passion for the arts. Liana, 18, has just started her journey in college, majoring in Studio Arts and Digital Design. Kalynn, 17, is finishing her last year of high school and has always had a deep love for music and dance.

For Lace, the decision to join the Habitat program was driven by her desire to provide a stable and secure home for her family—a place where they could truly thrive. Reflecting on her current living situation, Lace shares, “I’ve rented my whole life, and I am ready to be a homeowner. The house we live in now has had many issues, from leaks to a dilapidated garage. I want a peaceful environment where my girls and I can feel safe and proud of our home.” Lace’s determination to give her daughters a better future is evident as she speaks of her dreams of a quiet neighborhood and a beautiful garden where they can grow together.

When Lace received the news that she had been accepted into the Habitat program, she was overwhelmed with emotion. “I was proud of myself for making it to this point,” she says. “I was honored that Habitat could see the vision I had for my family and was willing to help make it come true.”

As Lace looks to the future, she imagines a life where her daughters have a legacy to build upon. “My house will be welcoming and bright, with the most beautiful landscaping,” she envisions. More than just a place to live, Lace’s future home represents stability, love, and the foundation for lasting memories. “Home is where my girls are,” she adds, capturing the essence of what truly matters to her.

Lace Simmons is the 2025 CEO Build Partner Family. In 2022, Habitat Tampa Bay Gulfside launched the CEO Build to bring awareness to the affordable housing crisis impacting our community. CEOs and business leaders in the Pinellas and West Pasco County communities will join together for the 2025 Habitat CEO Build to build a family’s forever home. To learn more about our CEO Build and how to get involved, please visit our CEO Build page.

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