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With the rise of door-to-door scammers in our state and the recent news of an arrest of an unlicensed adjuster participating in a fraud scheme targeting Habitat for Humanity of Collier County homeowners, we would like to remind all of our Habitat families to be aware of any suspicious salespeople who may come visit your home.

Click below to read more on the fraudulent activity happening to Habitat Homeowners in Collier County.

Here are some great tips from the Consumer Federation of America about protecting your family from door-to-door sales scams. You can read the full article here.

While some door-to-door sales are legitimate, many are scams in which the salespeople use high-pressure sales tactics and false claims to coerce consumers into buying products or services that they do not need or that are never delivered. Common door-to-door sales scams are for magazine subscriptions, medical alert and security systems, hearing aids and home improvement projects.

Follow these tips to avoid falling for high-pressure sales tactics, paying more for a product or service than you should, or becoming the victim of a scam:

  • You have the right to refuse to open the door to anyone. In fact, it is wise not to allow a salesperson into your home unless you have a prescheduled appointment.
  • High-pressure sales tactics often indicate a scam. If you are feeling pressured, you do not have to be polite. You can interrupt, tell the person firmly that you are not interested and shut the door.
  • Don’t sign a contract or make a purchase on the spot. Ask the salesperson to leave you with some written materials to review. That way, you can take your time to decide whether you are really interested in the product or service, and whether you can afford it.
  • Never sign a contract without first reading it thoroughly. Make sure that you understand everything it says. If anything in it is unclear or different than what you were told, don’t go forward with the deal.
  • Always ask to see the salesperson’s ID. It should show the person’s name and the name of the company.
  • Be wary of salespeople who claim to be from your current utility provider or alarm service. Leave the person on your doorstop while you call the number on your monthly bill to verify whether he or she is indeed a representative from the company and the reason for the visit (e.g. to fix a service problem, upgrade your service or make a special offer).
  • Never pay in cash. Using a credit card is the safest way to pay because you can challenge the charges if you do not get what you were promised.
  • Get all prices, warranties and cancellation policies in writing. Relying on what the salesperson says is risky because it is hard to prove later.
  • Know your cancellation rights. Under Federal Trade Commission’s “Cooling Off Rule,” you have the right to cancel a door-to-door purchase of $25 or more within three business days and receive a full refund. By law the seller must:
    • Tell you that you have the right to cancel the order within three business days for a full refund.
    • Provide you with a written summary of your cancellation rights.
    • Give you two copies of the cancellation form (one to keep and one to send if you decide to cancel your purchase).
    • Give you a copy of your contract or receipt.
    • Wait until after the cancellation period ends to perform the services or deliver the goods unless you have signed a waiver because of a legitimate emergency situation.

Some states and municipalities require door-to-door salespeople to be licensed or registered and may provide longer times for consumers to cancel. If the seller violates the legal requirements, it’s a danger sign of fraud. Report any door-to-door scams or violations to your state or local consumer protection agency.

We hope that these tips help you to become more aware about any suspicious salespeople who may visit your home. If you have additional questions, please call the office at 727-536-4655.

If you are experiencing fraud-like solicitors in your Habitat neighborhood, please reach out to your respective county’s resource.

Pasco – Pasco County Sheriff’s Non-Emergency Line – 727-847-8102

Pinellas – Pinellas County Consumer Protection Line – 727-464-6200

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